Amnesia 2006 - May Open Quiz - Report and Results
Amnesia 2006 - May Open Quiz
Date: 14 May, 2006
Set and Conducted: Niranjan Pedanekar
Quiz Final Results - 55 questions
1st: Shamanth Rao and Kunal Sawardekar (22)
2nd: B.V.Harishkumar & J. Ramanand (19)
3rd: Samrat Sengupta & Sudarshan Purohit (18)
4th: Anand Sivashankar & Vibhendu Tiwari (12)
Jt. 5th: Gaurav Sabnis & Sarika Chuni (7)
Jt. 5th: Rishi Iyengar & Rohan Morarka(7)
Quiz Elim Results
Cutoff: 18/35
1st: B.V.Harishkumar & J. Ramanand (23)
2nd: Samrat & Sudarshan (20.5)
3rd: Gaurav & Sarika(19)
4th: Kunal and Shamanth, Rishi & Rohan, Anand Sivashankar & Vibhendu Tiwari (all 18)
* Amnesia 2006 was Niranjan's 1st quiz in 5 years after the now-defunct series of Mensa
quizzes which were part of local folklore. The usual Niranjan constructs of lateral connects, 10 feet deep entertainment and sci-tech questions, the long questions et al
were back :-)
* There were a few questions that participants and audience found vague that the quiz
creator later agreed with. But there were several compensating questions that were
brilliantly set, IMO. A lot of new topics or refreshing takes on old topics were seen.
The level of acceptance or dislike on some of the offbeat questions will be a subjective emotion - overall, I was very entranced by the questions (as usual :-))
* Also felt that the participants and even audience members responded well to the questions - some very good attempts, many successful, were heard. Personal favourites among questions were: (being careful about not giving them away for those who will read them later) the grey-blue boxes with red lines and a tree, the 4 geographical locations, mutation-self-selection-veracity, ali-gogh-reagan connect, 4 military guys connect etc.
* There were a few questions that were too easy, some that were good but repeated without the knowledge of the setter or were simply a little to "iffy" (pun intended ;-)).
Most common criticism was the length of questions, though, I personally didn't have a problem except for about 10% of the questions.
* Response was a little disappointing, I thought. Though the good old Mensa flavour was
revived by the presence of Niranjan's wife who however didn't pick up her traditional duties as a scorer this time.
* The competition was fierce, with the winners being decided only on the 2nd last question,
until which team any of the top 3 could have picked up the top spot. Kunal and Shamanth
have added another feather in their caps-which-now-looks-like-a-strange-bird. Since
these series of quizzes are the only ones that (even) I allow myself to be a little immodest
about, on behalf of the likes of George, Harish, Sujay and me, I'd like to welcome you
to the club ;-)
* Finals Questions are unlikely to be available soon because the ppt is very large and some
alternate form of dissemination will be required.
I think those who don't have a history of being Niranjan-quiz-philes should comment :-) (please point out omissions and errors in this post)