Thanks to the efforts of Yash Marathe and others, who in a Veda Vyasa-like fit have taken it upon themselves to upload some of the recent BC quizzes at the BCQC Questions Blog.
The first two sets are as follows:
1. The BC Cup 2011: Questions (Report).
2. The recently held BC August 2011 Open "Cineaste": Questions (Report).
Before we end, a caveat. Other quizzing associations who have enthusiastically put up their questions online have often reported that people have been lifting questions without even a semblance of credit, and thus have even opted to stop putting questions online. We understand these dangers, but right now, we plan to try sharing these questions and see what happens. Perhaps we shall naively invoke the laws of karma on those who will pull Pritams on us.
So if you use these questions as they are, please give the BCQC's quizmasters sufficient credit for their creativity and effort. It is only fair, as you will agree.