Monday, September 23, 2019

Session Note: Sunday, 22nd September 2019

It was another balmy afternoon of the unseasonal September of 2019. Quorum was reached by 1530 and we settled down to conduct the first set of 30 MELA questions by Nikita Bhakare from ILS Law College, Pune. Selecting a long table in the canteen, teams were forwent in favour of having a shout-out session. A twist in the tale, wherein the canteen adhikari was asked to shut down the canteen and kick everyone out, forced us to take a Mosaical journey through the campus in search of a promised land. We were led by the BCQC-the COEP Quiz Club head, (quite appropriately named in this case) Disha, in this journey to the Riverside Relaxation Area (West) in the New Academic Building.

There we procured a table and Nikita ran her questions. The questions were fun and engaging. An excellent debut. Her last question was an acapella connect of Zimmer music. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed guessing and just watching the video. Props to Gokul for getting his speaker.

This was followed by another 30 questions by Ritoban Maitra from Symbiosis Law School, Pune. Also conducted in the shout-out fashion, these questions too marked an excellent BCQC debut. Each question had multiple parts, sometimes connected, sometimes not. The hive-mind of the quizzing collective buzzed together to answer the questions. Though MELA, there was a generous Gen proportion as well.

At this time, just as we were wrapping up, Gokul pulled out 20 questions form the Tata Crucible Elims. Yaay! While these were being answered, a few had to understandably leave due to other commitments. But keeping balance, like a Lost Tribe, we had Aastha and Chaitanya join us. Because we had been displaced, they spent time searching for us and arrived at the end.
Note: Update location when displaced from the Boat Club.
For them, Omkar Dhakephalkar ran another 10 questions from his phone and the session was wrapped up.

Overall, another fun Sunday.

In attendance:

Nikita Bhakare
Ritoban Maitra
Chinmay from SLS
Aditya, BITS
Disha, head of BCQC-the COEP Quiz Club
Atharva Soman, COEP
Prajot Patne, COEP
Boshitwa, Talentica
Gokul Panigrahi
Omkar Dhakephalkar

Monday, September 16, 2019

Session Note: Sunday, 15th September 2019

After an unbrief hiatus, BCQC had a Sunday session on the 15th of September 2019. The quizmasters for the afternoon were Venkat "VCat" Srinivasan and Samiran Mondal who collectively conducted appox. 100 questions.
The weather was a perfect Pune afternoon, but the hint of rain forced us to preemptively take refuge in the adjacent canteen. Quorum was met by 1510 and so Vcat started his quiz by 1515. He ran fun, swift, general sets which he conducted at his workplace. Though some of the "current events" questions were dated (he ran sets he conducted since June), he gave us enough hints to crack them.
After his set, which was a shout-out, Samiran ran a proper elims+IR quiz. We had four teams of two so the quiz ran for a good while. Some really nice fundae were garnished with hard-core stuff.
We wrapped up the session by 1815.

It was a pleasure to see some new faces: ex-BITSians as well as from SLS, and good ol' regulars.
Overall, a fun afternoon.

In attendance:
Samiran Mondal
Venkat "VCat" Srinivasan
Anirudh, ex-BITsian
Aditya, BITS
Chinmay from SLS
Ritoban from SLS
Vrushabh Gudade
Gokul Panigrahi
Omkar Dhakephalkar