We'll be conducting a quiz meant exclusively for all Pune college quizzers. Details:
Who can participate: Any (full time) college student from a Pune college. 11th standard onwards.
When: tentatively scheduled for 29th March (Saturday). Time: 9:30 am
What: A general quiz. Written eliminations (30 mins), Finals (~2 hours). This is a solo quiz.
Venue: BC Lawns, COEP
Further logistical details will follow later. The quiz is aimed at encouraging college quizzers in the city, so we aren't inviting entries from outside. Also, the quiz is meant for young student quizzers, so we will not be able to accomodate part-time students or professional quizzers with an identity card :-) At any rate, we don't want to get into all that!
What you need to do if you are eligible and interested:
1. Register by sending me (and only me) your name, your college's name, what you study (leave a comment with your email id and I'll get in touch). Registration is necessary because I will get elims sheets only for those who have. I may get only a couple of extra ones, so anyone appearing on the spot will have to be a little lucky.
2. Let me know if you cannot attend at the given date and time (default assumption is that you can). We may not be able to reschedule except in the most pressing of circumstances because others already have clashing engagements for the afternoon (previously, our preferred slot). If you cannot make it on the 29th, indicate whether you can come on this Sunday (i.e. 23 March) in case we are somehow able to reschedule it so.
Will confirm the details by Sunday.