Monday, March 08, 2004

Statistics - 1:


  • Set by: Ramanand
  • Format: Fully IR, round reversal
  • Total Number of questions: 36
  • Number of unanswered questions: 2.5
  • Number of attempts per team: A - 15, B - 15, C - 13, D - 15, E - 14, F - 12
  • Number of correct answers per team: A - 9, B - 5, C - 3, D - 11.5, E - 1, F - 4
  • Number of "direct" questions per team (in brackets, the number of correct answers on directs): A - 6(6), B - 8(5), C - 7(2), D - 3(3), E - 7(1), F - 5(1)


  • Set by: Salil, Kunal, Siddharth, Ganesh & Anand
  • Format: Fully IR, round reversal after half
  • Total Number of questions: 60
  • Number of unanswered questions: 3
  • Number of attempts per team: A - 23, B - 24, C - 24, D - 24, E - 24, F - 25
  • Number of correct answers per team: A - 10, B - 9, C - 9.5, D - 9, E - 9.5, F - 10
  • Number of "direct" questions per team (in brackets, the number of correct answers on directs): A - 11(5), B - 11(5), C - 7(4), D - 9(4), E - 8(4), F - 14(10)

Brand Equity 2004, Pune round:

  • Set by: Derek O' Brien & Associates
  • Format: 6 mostly D&P, 1 buzzer round (buzzer round not included in this), 2 rounds reversed
  • Total Number of questions: 36 (the 1st six rounds)
  • Number of unanswered questions: 6
  • Number of attempts per team: A - 20, B - 19, C - 19, D - 16, E - 21, F - 20
  • Number of correct answers per team: A - 6, B - 3, C - 5, D - 4, E - 7, F - 5
  • Number of "direct" questions per team (in brackets, the number of correct answers on directs): A - 7(4), B - 7(0), C - 7(2), D - 7(3), E - 7(2), F - 7(3)

If there are any other stats that could be useful, please let me know.

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