Thursday, February 12, 2009

BCQC January Open report

Set and Conducted by : Pradeep Ramamrathnam

1st: Anand Shivshankar , Sumant Srivathsan , Avaneendra Bhargav
2nd: Niranjan Pednekar , Sarat Rao , Vibhendu Tiwari
3rd: Suraj Menon , Aditya Gadre , Nikhil Motlag
Other finalists:
J Ramamnand , Harish Kumar , Shastry ; Yasho Tamaskar , Salil Bijur and Arnab Pal ; Suvajit Chakraborty , Aniket Khasgiwale and Yash Marathe

The quiz started with a long elims with 40 rather tough but very good questions. The highest score was just 21 while the cut off for the six finalists was 13 . The other three teams for draft picks had their cut off as 10. All teams were awarded points in the finals with the formula (elims score) * 2.

The final was filled with brilliant questions , especially on cricket and current affairs. In addition to the standard rounds of IR passing , there was a written round where the QM used diffrential marking i.e. the teams were given points depending on how many other teams got the answer. This round changed the story of the quiz a bit as JR and co , who were doing well upto this stage fell back a bit. Niranjan, Sarat and Vibhendu did very well in this round and made up a lot of ground.

The quiz ended with a Long Visual Connect. It was cracked only by Niranjan , Sarat and Vibhendu.

All in all a long and pleasantly exhausting quiz.

Please do post your opinions in the comments section.

PS: Apologies for the late report. Also I don't have the final scores. Somebody please post them in the comments and I will put the figures into the report.


SK said...

Open report is too good and simple to follow.

Anonymous said...

Aah, a hurried penning by Aditya demands some supplementary effort.

Elims--a very decent set of elims covering geography, legends, current affairs, history/biographies, the despicable pop culture with some self-pointing q's on quizzing & mock-fundae(3 in fact). No repeats in any direct sense.

Though the sweep was far from esoteric, the depth and range demanded seemed to have foxed most going by the elims scores ( which altho' in the range of my conservative sensibilities still underscored that the Punekars, as is their wont, enjoyed a heavy lunch.

Nice touch reading out the q's and highlighting the parts that made it guessable--may have been missed by the likes of 1939 film--I know it I know it refrain for Gone with the Wind-junta ! Suggests an ease and familiarity in setting the q's which is seldom seen -struck as Wiki cut paste or contrived art-y stuff without appreciation or internalization.

We barely made 21 despite having missed 5 in a row and usual the No-I checked - you got 17.5 kinda rubbish prevailed--PS pls pls when can we get QMs checking by themselves ? With the attendance this quiz rather undeservedly got,scoring the sheets would take abt 4 mins !!

J Ramanand said...

I wish I could have enjoyed the quiz more. Sadly, was suffering from a headache caused largely by the lighting in the audi (for some reason).

A few cribs:
1. Wish there had been a qn paper - found it hard to do justice to the big qns with clues by taking notes.
2. Was unhappy with the differential scoring round. I am not against the concept of the round (having expted with it myself at the BC), but I have a problem with it being restricted only to 8 qns and hence making such a diff (perhaps sour grapes). Either it applies to a much bigger set of qns or it doesn't.
3. Must say that the constant (largely ill-humoured) carping between teams and even the QM put me off big-time.

1. Nice qns
2. New areas
3. Seeming tough framing but with interesting answers

Sorry about the turnout - not sure why that was so. People these days seem to just give up after a tough elims.

Yash Marathe said...

It might also be that there were 2 general quizzes on the same day causing the "If you've seen one, you've seen them all" attitude.